Peter on slide and R Scott Bryan on acoustic guitar. Wow. The sound was perfect, the band was awesome, and these guys are in top form. Like someone said last night, “if you weren’t at this show you just plain missed it.”
I am going to add my thoughts traveling and playing music on the road. From the four band members to the sound guy and support crew, the PM Band has been traveling for several days, and playing for three nights straight. After this gig they were headed to Marion, Virginia for a show on Sunday afternoon, about and hour or so from now as I write this.
For the uninitiated, the road can be tough on your energy level. Well I just didn’t feel that vibe from the stage, in fact I felt the opposite. There was so much energy I had trouble with my camera! These guys move so much I need a super-sonic shutter speed! Given I try to be nice not using flash and shoot in low light the blur can be tough! Thanks to all you folks for that energy last night. It did not go unnoticed.
PS. Speaking of great pictures, I saw this link and went to look at the pictures. Very nice stuff for the PM fan.