Marshall Chapman reads from her book ” Goodbye, Little Rock and Roller” last night in Raleigh. I have several stories to tell here. Months ago my Radiomargaritaville brother Steve Huntington sent me a signed copy in the mail. Talk about putting a smile on my face. I read the thing all the way through to about the last two chapters. Not that the book was bad mind you that is just a problem I have…finishing any book anymore. An outcome of a busy lifestyle! Hell I am not complaining, merely stating a fact. Well I have just finished the book finally and it is fabulous. A must have! Marshall is on a tour of the Borders Book stores so check her website to see where she may have left you a signed copy behind on the shelf! Even without a signature this book is a treasure as she delivers the stories of her life as a Rock n Roll Debutante growing up in Spartanburg, South Carolina and living in Nashville. Trust me. Buy the book. Read it. You will love it.