http://www.jimlauderdale.com This was the second time I had seen Jim this year. Honestly I could watch him a 100 times and never tire of it. He is a great story teller, he cracks some really lame jokes that still make me smile, and the fact is he is a damn nice person. I have had many conversations with him over time. I won’t bore you with my stories from the past as I think they are here: http://downsouthradiohour.blogspot.com/search?q=jim+lauderdale Meanwhile I did thank Jim from driving all day from Nashville through a torrential downpour and storm to get to downtown Greensboro. The crowd gave him a loud appreciation for coming to visit. It was a packed house in the “dress and fashion house on Elm Street.” I should mention that Jim told us he just went to England to record an album with Nick Lowe which should release early in the coming year. “London Southern” it will be called. http://nicklowe.com/media-room/ Go see Jim as soon as you can. I will be back again soon!

Here is Alligator Alley” which is a favorite of mine. I spend a lot of time in South Florida so I always enjoy this one. I hope you do to. Until next time, I’ll see you, down the road.