Since it is obvious that this show really made an impression on me I will add one more comment…it was the best in a long while. So many songs…Lake Charles, Greenville, Car Wheels on a Gravel Road…Lucinda ROCKS.

Sittin’ in the kitchen a house in Macon
Loretta’s singing on the radio
Smell of coffee eggs and bacon
Car wheels on a gravel road
Pull the curtains back and look outside
Somebody somewhere don’t know
Come on now child we’re gonna go for a ride
Car wheels on a gravel road
Car wheels on a gravel road
Car wheels on a gravel road
Can’t find a damn thing in this place
Nothing’s where I left it before
Set of keys and a dusty suitcase
Car wheels on a gravel road
There goes the screen door slamming shut
You better do what you’re told
When I get back this room better be picked-up
Car wheels on a gravel road
Car wheels on a gravel road
Car wheels on a gravel road
Low hum of voices in the front seat
Stories nobody knows
Got folks in Jackson we’re going to meet
Car wheels…