Marshall. Big Lonesome.

She played for us. She told stories. It always is a great show. I am not sure I can put this into words. Maybe I can tell you the story one on one or something. Marshall was great friends with Tim Krekel. Tim was a player in the Coral Reefer band back in time. I remember him on stage so long ago. I have all his solo cds. I really like his music.
So Tim died on us not so long ago. I remember the whole thing. The day. It is on my blog. Anyway. Marshall really took this hard. She recorded this whole cd from that experience. “Big Lonesome.” I agree with whoever said it. It is her best cd despite the greats before. I watched her perform several of these songs after telling the stories – which I love. I am not really that a dramatic of a person. But I will say I shed a couple of tears watching her perform these songs. I am not sure the crowd got the whole thing but I sure did. I could still see the pain of losing a close friend. I felt the whole emotion of the songs. Tim was a great performer. I used to read the Bluebird mailers from Nashville and wish I could go watch him and Marshall perform there. But it is ok. I saw him play with Jimmy Buffett several times. He was great stuff. I still listen to his cds but I will say Marshall aced this cd. It is very, very good.