Marshall Chapman last night in Raleigh. I have to admit, I bought my tickets early, I rearranged my whole schedule for the week, and drove over two hours to see this lady. She opened for Todd Snider but honestly I would have driven to see her play by herself. Marshall is friends with many of the Coral Reefer band having toured with Jimmy Buffett during the 1990’s. Mr. Utley, band leader for JB, produced her “Love Slave” disc which is one of my personal favorites. Is there anyone in the music business this lady doesn’t know? I had some time to talk to Marshall during the Borders book signing and we talked a bit about that particular “Love Slave” disc. ( I really would love to interview this lady for radioplay) She has tons of cds available on her website http://www.tallgirl.com/ …..The latest cd which is in regular airplay on the internet and Sirius satelite radio on radiomargaritaville is called “Mellowicious! ” It is quite a treat. Don’t walk, run and buy it now! Marshall told several of the stories of the background behind several of the songs. Now I don’t want to take away any enjoyment you might have of seeing her live but I will mention that her book plays very well into the show she puts on. The stories are great. This woman was the first female to front a rock n roll band. She is the real deal. Having written over 300 songs she has really touched a wide range of people. I have listened to her music for many years and last night was the first time I actually met her in person. The cool thing was I have spent many hours playing her music and putting digital radio shows together so I felt very at home listening to her talk. As I woke up this morning I started thinking about last nights show and how lucky I was to be there. I really get this special buzz from being around great singer / songwriters. Marshall is special in that she has this wonderful Southern accent that sort of spans a bridge from South Carolina to Tennesee. Awesome stuff. From my front row seat last night I walked over to her as she left the stage and told her how I was thrilled to finally meet her….She is such a great lady. Her show was so awesome and the last song just really perfect, the whole presentation, the vocals, “Leaving Loachapoka, Alabama behind…Leavin’ Lochapoka behind.” Damn life is good. Marshall I hope to see you again real soon. Thanks for an awesome day. I still have a smile on my face. Priceless.