Too Cool to Be Forgotten…

Buick 6, the backing band for Lucinda Williams opened the show with some instrumentals which you can listen to on the MySpace link I added above for you. They are all very talented. In fact they ended the opening set with a medley of Led Zeppelin songs which completely blew the audiences wigs off. Honestly I saw the wig collectors working the back of the theater on overtime last night! Anyway, when they finished the Led Zep the crowd roared with delight. It was awesome. Really.

Here is a link to another set of photos that are shot with a full SLR and frankly smoke my handheld..ah but a handheld is all I can get in my pocket! Great photos and more information:

You can’t depend on anything really
There’s no promises there’s no point
There’s no good there’s no bad
In this dirty little joint
No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o’clock
Rosedale Mississippi Magic City Juke Joint
Mr Johnson sings over in a corner by the bar
Sold his soul to the devil so he can play guitar
Too cool to be forgotten
Hey hey too cool to be for gotten