My oldest friend in this world, David Shaw of Greenwood, Mississippi in the current Peavey Monitor Magazine. I lived in Meridian, MS for 5 years and ran into all these Peavey guys all the time in the old shop which was right next door to my Dad’s business downtown. The Mississippi delta rocks and David is a long time native. We went to first grade together…I lived in Greenwood for seven years and we became fast friends as we both loved music, electronics, and sound. We have remained friends all our lives through the years. He is an old musician as well having played piano from six and guitar for many years. Now he runs sound all the time and does first class electronic repairs in Jackson several days a week.
http://shop.mobro.net/about.htm I still have my prototype amp he built from scratch back in the days when he worked with Harrison Holmes in the amp factory in Greenwood. Oh let me set Hartley Peavey straight here in the article…David is from Greenwood, not Greenville….there is a difference! David is the man and my oldest friend in the world. That means something to me. Thanks for putting him in the magazine ya’ll! Gotta love those Peaveys.
Oh yeah…David is always inventing something…..http://www.rstweb.com/davidshaw/home.htm
The only guy I know who gives his community a real “Treat” at Halloween. I have spent quite a few nights at 1107 West President in Greenwood and I hope I see a few more there soon. “Nuff said.

The only guy I know who gives his community a real “Treat” at Halloween. I have spent quite a few nights at 1107 West President in Greenwood and I hope I see a few more there soon. “Nuff said.

"We went to first grade together...I lived in Greenwood for seven years and we became fast friends as we both loved music, electronics, and sound."