Five-time Grammy nominee Susan Tedeschi on stage last night. (Thanks Canon..your cameras rock) http://www.susantedeschi.com/ I have been a fan for quite a long time. She is just getting better. She just released a new cd called “Hope and Desire.” Don’t hesitate…just go buy it. I don’t usually do this but I will give this cd my two thumbs up sign…there is more top-shelf music per dollar on this cd than any I have heard in months. She dedicated it to her hope – Her two very young children Charlie and Sophia. She also dedicated the cd to her desire, her husband, Derek Trucks. What a great cd…sorry I just can’t say that enough. It is one of the best things I have listened to in a while..blues, soul, this one has a groove…it has track after track that will make you feel something. I am listening to the cd as I write this. Oh and did I mention that the Blind Boys of Alabama do some background vocals? That is some heavy mojo folks.
Susan tells the story that Derek and Doyle Bramhall II laid down the guitar tracks for the cd and she liked them so much she didn’t play guitar on this one. She has just got back in shape to sing from having her last child and she is nothing but better at this point. Having listened to both of the members of this couple talk about their feelings for each other and watched them on stage in the past you can tell there is a real strong relationship between them. They are really down-to-earth people and all of that feeling comes through in the on-stage performance. Last night there were several special moments. One was when Susan introduced a song that Derek wrote with Kofi Burbridge. Her eyes started twinkling at her mention of his name and she started singing with the intensity I had not seen to that point. Now mind you by then we were already at a 7 on the intensity meter headed for a 10.
One other highlight I want to mention was a song off the latest “Hope and Desire” cd. “Silver and Gold” written by Keith Richards and Mick Jagger. What a cover. I think that is the way that song should sound.
I can’t wait to hear Susan in 10 years. If the last 10 years are an indication of where she is headed musically, she will be playing shed shows to 30,000 people a night. Rock on Susan. As one audience member said last night “You sing it Girl!”