This week I have spent most of the week with Roger Bartlett talking about his upcoming release titled “Sunset.” I have watched this project progress for many months now and listened as his songs went from drafts to finished projects. Roger has been working on this project for just over five years and in the year of the pandemic year of 2020 he was able to fund the project, hire the remaining musicians and vocalists from all over the country to complete the 14 tracks. These tracks are signature sounds of a career guitar player who has shared the stage with many famous musicians and bands since the 1960’s. Roger has a unique sound as he can play most genres of music with emphasis now on jazz with a blues undertone.

The “Sunset” Track List:
Ocean Avenue, Nothing Lasts Forever, Je Ne Sais Quoi, Sunset, Last Boat to Cuba, What Am I Gonna Do, Madness and Moonlight, Fool For a Blonde, They Don’t Make Them Like Her Anymore, Groovey Boy, The Beach, A Night to Remember, No One is Kicking My Ass, DallasSo what is it like spending a few days with an old friend? Well it is kind of nice to get up in the morning and enjoy various espresso batches over a good conversation usually having something to do about life or music. As the morning moves on on this long summer day there is usually a time-out for guitar playing that can sometimes last for an hour or two depending on the mood but few days are missed putting in a practice when you are a life-long musician. If you add in a book read or so with a couple of meals at some point including the taco Tuesday local ritual tonight then the days just fly by. Soon the gig is approaching on Thursday and the minor preparation starts. There is just a detail or so about gear and the agenda for the rest of the week but mostly it is the anticipation of having a good summer evening in two days with an intimate crowd to share stories and some music. I mean is there really anything better?

So that is all for now. Go check out my companion podcast for over an hour of conversation and fun with Roger Bartlett where he talks all about the album track by track with some music as well as what is happening for the rest of 2021.
Until next time I’ll see you, down the road.