Robert Greenidge and the “Steel Your Heart Band” from Key West at the Atlantic Shores. Bobby G. has been working with this school group from Key West for several years and they are great. This was one of my favorite moments of the week. These kids were singing and playing pans in a very cool way. They are so good to be so young. You can see Bobby G grin when they play. I remember seeing him in Raleigh in the late 1990’s watching a young band play and you can see it is his passion to see the young players on pans. I ran into him so many times this past week…he was a few doors down from me at the Reach and we even ran into each other in the elevator several times and at Mr. Z’s at 3 AM getting pizza and subs! Bobby G is the best! Check him out as he told me he will be working with this group more for next year in between Jimmy B concerts! This event is not to be missed. http://www.robertgreenidge.com/