Jimmy was in a story-telling mood on this night. I have personally seen him perform almost 100 times since the 1970’s and this has to be one of my favorite top 3 shows of his. The set list included the entire “White Sport Coat” album and many early hits from his Key West days. He told many stories in between the songs and the crowd was hanging on every word. It was an incredible night for a Parrot Heads…I call myself a “Charter Jimmy Buffett fan.” I was a fan of Jimmy’s music long before the Parrot Head thing came into being. As a kid in my late teen years we listened to this music all the time in Mississippi. Jimmy was the local guy who was doing great back in the 1970’s. This night brought back many of these cool memories to me.
Here is a great one that takes you right down to Key West..I will always love this song.