Wow. What a show. It was everything I thought it would be. A duplication of this: http://www.nowplayingnashville.com/event/detail/441718809/An_Evening_with_Marshall_Chapman_the_Wild_Elephants_featuring_Will_Kimbrough_Jim_Mayer_Mike_Utley_and_Casey_Wood But in a very different location and a whole different attitude and latitude! Maybe this was the moment I waited for. It was one of the best of the whole 2014 event. Marshall’s guitar battery wire let her down after the first song. A guitar was quickly added to the show via James White who was standing beside me backstage. Other than that moment it was all full throttle. What a great set. Here is a video of some moments with Marshall and Tim Krekel. Tim played with Jimmy Buffett for a while on tour and was a best friend of Marshall’s. I own everything he ever recorded and saw him perform many times. He is gone now but I still love his music. He was on that stage in Key West on that day in spirit during November 2014 when we were all smiling. I need to edit some video of these moments and upload them…so little time!