Axel on stage in the Greensboro Coliseum with AC DC! The show started at exactly 8:00 PM. I was impressed as this is the way EVERY show should be. This show was one of the re-scheduled ones due to the whole lead singer drama I don’t need to write about because most of you reading this know all the details. It was a pretty cool show. I was very close to the stage on the floor and it was VERY LOUD. I had my hearing protection in as I always do these days. I encourage everyone to explore hearing protection if you go to live concerts! There are some great pro earplugs out there these days!
There is something about going to a great rock show with a band that has a history like AC DC. The crowd is so pumped before they hit the stage you almost have to wade through the human emotional chemicals…synchronized fist pumps, people singing everywhere, AC DC t-shirts that are decades old on people’s backs, full expensive stage, video, and audio production. There is nothing like it. There are not so many opportunities each year to see and feel an experience like this. I am glad I went to this show. It was a blast.