So last night I saw what I call the 2017 Eagles. It was Glenn’s band. Glenn is not with us. His son was. Most of the rest of the band was there…depends on when you stop the history clock. I have seen Eagles shows and two concerts in three nights. I am months behind on my blog and ten hours of sleep in two days but I felt compelled to write my thoughts on a few photos. I was not extremely close. I was not supposed to have a camera in the venue. Sue me. I work for free and pay hard earned money to see great concerts. Here is a collection of photos…I hope someone someday figures out you should not exclude cameras from an event where you over-pay to see a show, over-work to pay for it, and keep coming back to support the music you grew old to. This show had me very emotional knowing we have lost so much great talent this past year or two. I knew I was seeing something special. It was live. I was there! My photos are not rolling stone quality but they ain’t bad. You get the point. This one? Glenn’s son. Deacon. He covered the part. I cannot imagine what that must be like. I thought of that as the crowd roared for him. I clapped for him and shed a tear. He was there because his father died. He was there because the Eagles fans needed him to play and be in the band. He was awesome on vocals and his guitar work was on a stage with the Eagles? Holy shit what pressure. We were cheering for him and the rest of the band for coming to our town. It was a special night. They knew it and we did too. That is what made it special. Very.