It’s Turntable Tuesday…because life is too short not to listen to great music! The Wallflowers. Where do I start? Well I think I should start with the guy who manages vocals, guitar, and coolness factor aka Jacob Dylan. Genetically he was delivered from one of the greats and musically he has delivered some incredible music. I don’t have to mention his dad as this guy and his band stand on their own. The Wallflowers totally ROCK. I can’t write much about the Wallflowers that would be refreshing material as there is no need given the background information is only a google search away. My intention here is to tell you about this vinyl album and maybe a personal story from some live music stories I have experienced from watching this band. If you have a few minutes let’s do it!
Once you finish the blog post tune into my companion podcast which you can subscribe to for free on any of your favorite podcast platforms from Apple, Tuned-In Radio, Spotify, Google, or Podbean.

Getting right into the album I want to talk about the background overview for the album. Some tracks were written as long ago as 1990 which puts them at 30 years old as of today. This was the second Wallflowers album and it went…get ready… platinum four times which is unheard of in the music market today. Over four million physical copies of anything sold is an amazing sales number in the music world. The album was released in 1996 having been recorded from 1994-1996. The track “One Headlight” won a Grammy award and two other songs were awarded nominations as well. This is one awesome record. I am really going to stretch out on my podcast and talk about all of the players on this album.

warm Summer night.

I really cranked this album up tonight on the turntable. It was awesome. I will tell you a live music story on my podcast if you want to listen in. In the meantime I want to ask you…”WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO TONIGHT?” Are you listening to your favorite artist? Are you cranking up something cool? Tell us about it! There is a Facebook group! Write it down and crank it up! Turn that TV OFF! Tune out the bad news and create a positive vibe by listening to your favorite tracks! Meanwhile support live music and your favorite artists. Life is short, live now.
Just before I go…here is one of my favorite YouTube videos that captures an incredible David Letterman performance I like better than the official video…This is closer to what it feels like to hear this music live. I hope you enjoy it.
Until next time, I’ll see you, down the road.