
http://jethrotull.com What a great show!! I wondered why I waited this long to see this concert. Finally I witnessed some great music very close and Ian even posed for some photos! One thing I really enjoyed was the video in the backdrop before the show and during the show. The use of video was seamless with the music on the stage. It was extremely well done. I thought all the musicians were top-notch and the tightness of the band was evident. There were two sets. One set of an hour featured new music. After an intermission there was more classic rock than a child of the 1970’s could imagine. The video in the back even showed a clock as the set list went right through time. It was incredible to remember how this music shaped the decades of FM radio and our run through the years. Great stuff. I loved every moment of this live! Check out the video I have here. It is very close to what I heard on this track but NOTHING compares to being close at a live show. NOTHING. Go see it. Live. Now. While you can.
Until next time, I’ll see you, down the road…
Sitting on the park bench —
eyeing little girls with bad intent.
Snot is running down his nose —
greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes.
Drying in the cold sun —
Watching as the frilly panties run.
Feeling like a dead duck —
spitting out pieces of his broken luck.
Whoa, aqualung
Sun streaking cold —
an old man wandering lonely.
Taking time
the only way he knows.
Leg hurting bad,
as he bends to pick a dog-end —
he goes down to the bog
and warms his feet.
Feeling alone —
the army’s up the road
salvation a la mode and
a cup of tea.
Aqualung my friend —
don’t you start away uneasy
you poor old sod, you see, it’s only me.
Do you still remember
The December’s foggy freeze —
when the ice that
clings on to your beard was
screaming agony.
And you snatch your rattling last breaths
with deep-sea-diver sounds,
and the flowers bloom like
madness in the spring.