Joe Walsh is from a generation that will protest against what they believe in. It started with a video loop on the screen behind the stage and the first several minutes of his show ended up being a brief speech about the “present” North Carolina governor’s creation called HB2. The law passed in the middle of the night via his crew in the state government. I usually stand clear of politics so I am just reporting the show but I will say publicly that my position is “discrimination is wrong no matter who the target is.” I am a native North Carolinian who grew up in Mississippi during the segregated south. I can tell you stories about all of that but I won’t here. This blog is about music. Oh…just for the record I have contributed to the opposing candidate who promises to repeal HB2. Joe Walsh said he was donating his paycheck from the Charlotte show to the legal cause. I hear the governor just raided the NC Emergency disaster fund for $500,000.00 to defend the “law.” What a disaster. Thanks Joe for not backing down and putting your money behind what you believe in. Thanks most of all for coming to the stage unlike others who chose to abandon the North Carolina music fans who bought tickets as well as the support staff who need paying jobs. “We” are just the victims of bad leadership. A whole bunch of us have a plan to correct that…Joe are welcome here anytime. Please come back soon. “Nuff said.