Gimme an “F” Gimme an “E” Gimme an “A” Gimme a “T”
I have always wanted to introduce this band before a show…I have been at two FEAT shows where this was done and it is very cool….. I will have to admit that the band Little Feat has always been one of my favorites. http://www.littlefeat.net/index.php?page=welcome
This afternoon I opened my mailbox and found my brand new autographed “Join the Band” cd in my mailbox. I scanned a picture of the title page for your viewing pleasure…Ah life is good. I have heard many of the tracks on this cd and I have been waiting for this moment to listen to the whole thing until I hear every moment of every track. And I did today.
I remember months and months ago, more than a couple of years as I recall reading a first-hand email about the recording of some of the tracks on this cd. It seems Jimmy Buffett had invited his good friends Little Feat down to Shrimpboat Sound in Key West to work on this new compilation cd. Mind you this is no ordinary cd. This disc has tracks featuring the likes of Dave Matthews to Bob Seger singing some of the more awesome Little Feat tracks. There are many other contributors..too many to mention, and they are all great.
Oh wait…I have to mention one of the many. On “Spanish Moon” there is the triple threat of Sam Clayton, Craig Lee Fuller, and Vince Gill on vocals. As Billy Payne explains it in a recent Feats at Five http://www.featsatfive.com/ interview “I was in Nashville when Vince laid this track down. He was not feeling well that day but his voice was wonderful. I asked him to record a Spanish influenced acoustic track and he did. We included the solo and it turned out perfect for the track.”
I don’t want to review this cd and give you all the details. There are plenty of places to read about this album so I will just simply leave you with my thought. This is the best cd I have heard in 2008. Hands down, no contest. You can get it on Itunes, you can buy the cd. Whatever you do go treat yourself and buy it… Hint: It’s available at Target for a limited time on sale… You won’t regret it. ‘Nuff said.
Here is a preview link: