Tuesday, October 26, 2021. The Lincoln Theater in Raleigh, North Carolina. I arrived an hour before the show with my friend Tom who shares a table with me most weeks in the local watering hole. I would have gotten there sooner had I not had to dodge two traffic jams on the six lane highways. But we were “only” behind about fifty people on the sidewalk waiting on the doors to open. As we took our places in the line a sea of people began to arrive and the line started forming behind us literally disappearing into the darkness of the cool early autumn evening. It took about five minutes for me to learn who around me was from where and I kept focusing on the guy who was asking me about how many Farm Aid shows I had attended. Soon we were comparing notes and talking all about all of the shows and places we had been to catch a Farm Aid concert and how we could not wait to see this Lukas Nelson show with his incredible band.

As we walked into the door our tickets were scanned and we were wrist-banded after our identification was checked. The eight and a half by eleven sign on the door simply said “sold out.” Kudos to the staff at the Lincoln Theater for their efficiency getting everyone into the building. Soon we were on our way to the stage as this was a general admission show and basically it was time to stand for a few hours. I found a place right next to the stage in front of the guitar tech which is where I prefer to be anyway. I am not going to share all the guitar photos I have from this night but as a guitar fanatic let’s just say I have quite a few. The band was a bit slow hitting the stage but the wait was well worth it. The house was packed to the rafters! Literally.
Lukas leans out to the audience “Smile” from the new album
Lukas and Corey Tato Melgar
Given I had a copy of the set list on my phone I was following the show as the songs progressed through the performance. There was a point where Corey McCormick went into what the set list called a “Bass Extravaganza.” After this point the set list had “Wildest Dreams” as the band had left the stage for the bass solo. Suddenly the band all appeared on stage and the drums started the beat of the next song. In four beats I knew what they were going to play and the words came out of my mouth…”no way.” Within two song lines I was singing along and rocking with a big smile on my face. I guess I had selected the correct clothing ensemble for the evening. I had my Farm Aid 2021 t-shirt on from last month and my new Rolling Stones tongue hat on my head from the recent show in September. Lukas gave me a few looks during this song and I know this is not the first time they have played the song in fact it seems to be finding it’s way into the set list on this tour unexpectedly. I enjoyed every second of this one although the show was incredible from beginning to end. I wanted more photographs of the band but the piano was blocking my view to the drummer Anthony LoGerrfo.
The logo on my Stones hat I wore to this show. Lukas brought out the Telecaster for this one. Perfect.
I could offer up a play by play of this show but I really don’t want to be the spoiler for those who want to get out and see this music. What I do want to say is I really have Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real at the top of my list of artists I want to follow, own the vinyl, and go see in concert as much as I can. I have seen Lukas now for the better part of a decade and he is a talent. I knew that the first time I saw him on a Farm Aid stage playing his Gibson Les Paul Junior behind his back and once he even played a Fender Strat with his teeth. I have seen this band play country, rock, and the blues fluently. They put on a super energetic show and they have a good time. Lukas will be carrying the flame of the Nelson Family for years to come. I will be on the ride with him as long as I can make it to a show.
Do yourself a favor and buy this music…all of it. Get a concert ticket while you still can. This show is a special treat. “Nuff said.
Until next time I’ll see you, down the road.