http://www.davemasonmusic.com Well I don’t really like to put my photo on my blog so much…it is more about the music to me. This one was taken prior to the show at the Carolina Theatre in Durham before the camera nazi security team was deployed. I was in the very front row or so…I have like a half dozen photos I was able to shoot prior to being asked even as a VIP and so on to stop. The one fairly cool one is on the slide show for the web site here…So I did stop with the camera. No big deal. I had had the run of the place for several hours talking to Dave’s wife and tour friend..a guy from LA traveling with Dave who claimed to be Minnie Riperton’s http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2014/07/11/330781619/35-years-after-minnie-ripertons-death-new-fans-still-find-her first manager and to know Bob Marley back in the day. I watched the sound check with a couple of other people and generally hung out with the people running the food and drink bar. So goes the life of a guy who worked all day in the corporate world all day only to go relax in an old theater listening to a musician I first saw in 1978 at Ole Miss. I had that photo on my phone to show Dave and Johnne the guitar guy who had played with the likes of the Bee Gees and many others told me that my photo was taken in 1978. http://downsouthradiohour.blogspot.com/search?q=dave+mason I sort of stared at him knowing the truth. He said “That was my 50’s era Melody Maker and the head stock was sheared off during that tour. I looked at him and said yeah it was 1978. Very cool. Dave and I talked for a few minutes and Johnne http://www.johnsambataro.com/www.johnsambataro.com/Home.html and I hung looking at his guitar and the Line 6 pedal board he was using. Sometimes you hit it off with people real quick. This was one of those times. We looked over his iPad setup, the setlist, and talked about life in general. It was very cool. Yes it was.
On to the show. Well I took more photos of the sound check that I did the show due to security. They should note that I really don’t understand that concept…I am a promoter of music and friends not a guy who has ever made one freaking cent on music. I have given for years and never made one dime on music. I support musicians and theaters and never ask for anything other than great music. I don’t really understand but that is just me. Send me an email back channel if you can explain this to me.
Dave Mason is a Rock and Roll guy I have followed for many years. I really enjoyed the show and I hope I can do this again real soon. Several songs took me all the way back to the late 1970’s….yeah I do love this music. Thanks Dave. What an artist with so many cool songs and so many associations all the way through Rock and Roll history.
I will say one thing I said to Dave as I left and as his tour manager was taking this photo. “Hey Dave we are getting old aren’t we?” Dave says “Yeah but we are still cool.” “Nuff said….I am always behind and have so much to share….I’ll see you down the road….soon.
Here is one of my favorites as a child of the 1970’s trying to grow up.
Been away, haven’t seen you in a while
How’ve you been, have you changed your style?
And do you think that we’ve grown up differently?
Don’t seem the same, seems you’ve lost your feel for me
So let’s leave it alone, ’cause we can’t see eye to eye
There ain’t no good guy, there ain’t no bad guy
There’s only you and me and we just disagree
Ooh-hoo-hoo, oh-oh-ho
I’m going back to a place that’s far away
How bout you, have you got a place to stay?
Why should I care when I’m just trying to get along?
We were friends, but now it’s the end of our love song
So let’s leave it alone, ’cause we can’t see eye to eye
There ain’t no good guy, there ain’t no bad guy
There’s only you and me and we just disagree
Ooh-hoo-hoo, oh-oh-ho
So let’s leave it alone, ’cause we can’t see eye to eye
There ain’t no good guy, there ain’t no bad guy
There’s only you and me and we just disagree
Ooh-hoo-hoo, oh, oh-oh-ho