Michael McCloud at Meeting of the Minds

http://www.michaelmccloudmusic.com So many folks have seen this artist in Key West where he performs almost every day. This performance took many months to make happen. I had been talking to Michael about doing a gig with us the previous year and finally convinced him in the Summer of 2015. It was not to be a “slot” that was announced in advance. I always like to surprise people with things and this was one I had up my sleeve. This was to be a “tweener”…that is a performance that comes between two artists. Michael showed up shortly after his gig at the Schooner Wharf and he hung out in the “green room” as the gig in front finished up. When I bought out the chair, direct-in box, and vocal mike with the sound crew I quickly introduced him. The crowd went wild! No one was expecting this. It was thirty minutes of awesomeness. Who know…you may see that again, just sayin’.

Michael McCloud

Here is one of my favorite covers he does…I really love the Amazing Rhythm Aces cover he does as well…”Third Rate Romance.” Hmmm…more to come.