I have been a fan of this band since I first say them in the 1970’s on the TV show “Rock Concert.” I still remember them doing “Reeling in the Years” on that show. I bought every album they produced since and I can actually remember the day several of the lps came out and how I went to the store to have a copy to listen to as soon as I could get it. I still do that today even though lately their cd production has slowed a bit. OK I have to admit. I just last week bought the SACD release of “Gaucho.” I have all the Origional Master Recording Steely Dan discs you can buy……the SACD is very cool. Gotta’ love that Dolby 5.1 Sound Surround.
Last night the band was missing my old pal, the late Cornelius Bumpas on sax. The background singers were looking good..Carolyn Leonhart…http://www.carolynleonhart.com/ What a dream…I still miss Victoria Cave! http://www.steelydan.com/2kband.html#cave I saw her perform live in Charlotte in 2000 and I still say that was one of Steely Dans best tours. She is also featured in the Steely Dan DVD which is a very cool thing to watch. Last night I saw the best drummer I have seen. I know there are great drummers and everyone has an opinion so I won’t get into a debate about your favorite but this guy just really stood out. Most of the players got standing ovations through the performance as they are all great but this guy was a standout, and a young one at that.Keith Carlock. http://www.keithcarlock.com/bio.htm I have read about him but I have never heard him play live. I believe. He is the man. Remember the name you will hear it again if you haven’t already. The best thing is he is a Mississippi boy from Clinton.
What a night. What a show. Go see Steely Dan, they are not to be missed. I am still feeling good. “Throw out your gold teeth and see how they roll, the answer they reveal, life is unreal, da dum da dum da dum da dum da dum dum.”