Danny Morris on stage at the Green Parrot bar in Key West. http://www.dannymorrisband.com/
This is a long story. It starts in 1985 or so when I met Danny in Greensboro, North Carolina. He was quite a great guitar player even then. We met at my pal “Bump’s Blues Shack….http://www.piedmontblues.org/sections/kba/bubbak1994.html
Bubba Klinefelter had a cool new guitar shop he had just opened and I was hanging out there in a regular basis. Bob Margolin would stop by on occasion and he had this really nice old acoustic-electric Gibson guitar that was on consignment for an unbelievable price of $350. I am still kicking myself for not owning that one…anyhow I hit it off with all my pals in the shop and took guitar lessons for a while from Danny. He taught me some really nice stuff. One of the cool things was using Bob’s ES335 to play on…Danny moved on to the Nighthawk’s band replacing the great Jimmy Thackery. That’s just how good he is. http://www.thenighthawks.com/Bubba is now at Guitar Center in Greensboro and I just saw him last week. All is well!
Meanwhile back to November 2006. Danny is awesome! A three piece band, they just plain rock! They play it behind their back and right in your face. Folks it don’t get any better than this. This is where Stevie Ray meets Dick Dale. Danny just plain smokes the frets off that Stratocaster. Go see him soon. If you like Surf Rock or blues…he can do it all. He has the flame baby and they don’t make them like Danny everyday. In fact I think that mold is broke for sure.