So every time I see this guy!/ I think of Robbin Thompson. Robbin was a friend and an awesome musician I miss all the time. I still have his voicemail on my cell phone although he left us a long time ago. I used to talk to Robbin about Timothy coming to hang on his sailboat or at family functions. I always thought we would all hang one day. It never happened. Robbin left too soon and I miss him all the time. He was one special guy. Everyone who knew him will say the same thing. Timothy is the guy who named the Parrot Heads while on a brief tour with Jimmy Buffett. Jimmy used to open for the Eagles… That is a whole ‘nother story or several. On this night Timothy was on stage with his main band. His vocals were still great and the recordings this band has put together have some of his finest work on them. No more stories for now…