Tom Scholz. I remember the first time I heard of Tom. It was a few days before the first Boston album came out. The songs were breaking on the FM radio and the world was going crazy wanting copies of the new vinyl. I walked into a record store and came out with my copy in my hand. I remember it was in a very dark green paper bag that was fitted to the album size. I don’t remember where the store was other than it was in Meridian, Mississippi. That was the beginning of many years of listening to Boston songs.
Back to where I started this tangent, Tom is a pretty cool guy. I love the invention and engineering. He is still rocking hard even now. One thing you will notice is he is not a showman on stage. He stands in the back most of the time and lets the music do the talking. He closes his eyes and leans into solo after solo. He goes from keyboards back to his favorite Gibson Les Paul gold top guitar. His music is layer upon layer of solid gold rock. I own’t elaborate on his biography as there is plenty of that stuff on the internet. I will send you to watch a video. This is very cool. Check it out.