It’s Turntable Tuesday because life is too short not to listen to great music! This week on Turntable Tuesday it’s time to open a recent vinyl release from Tom Petty called “Finding Wildflowers (Alternate Versions) Turn that TV off! BUY MEDIA! Silicon valley corporations don’t create music they just stream it and rake the profit in. Crank up your local speaker or get out there and support your favorite band! OK I will move on. What are YOU listening to right now?

If you would like to listen to my companion podcast you can listen here or subscribe for free on any of the streaming services you use. My podcast is easily searchable on any streaming service where you get your podcasts by searching “Andrew Talbert.” Look for the World Wide Music Media logo. I’ll talk to you on your mobile device!

September 7, 2021. I am sitting in my studio listening to digital tracks of this album I bought a few months back literally on the same day I got the email about a vinyl pre-order. There was no delay. I wanted the record for my collection. Like many vinyl records in my collection the albums sit there un-opened for a while before I get to them. I have so many interests in life it is hard to work in all things music but I work at it. Playing guitar, learning music theory, concerts, travel, growing food, daily living, watching sports car racing, on and on. This Tom Petty album opening is kind of like a Christmas present in the fall of the year as Summer ends on Labor Day. I have the big Wildflowers album package I have already written about but this one has some tracks I wanted to explore and the gold vinyl is so cool. Gold. Yes these songs are great! I love listening to Tom Petty and some times I stop and even learn the songs on guitar as I am listening. Tom could write such incredible songs with such simple chords. His band could layer the complexity on to the music in hardly one take while his songwriting is hard to equal. How does one person have this amazing talent? I do not have the answer to that question. I have seen him live many times but even now it was not enough. I am still thinking as I write this that I should have went to more shows. I listen to his music all the time and the live concerts were incredible. In fact my Sirius XM subscription would not exist if I could not listen to the Tom Petty channel. I remember the day Tom died. I remember hearing the news story on my Sirius XM radio in my car with the top down. I literally pulled over and stopped on the way to my work-out class. It took me a minute to take it in. I still think of that. I lost a music family member and a lifetime of amazing music connection on that day. So today I am writing about something I love. The recorded music of Tom Petty and his incredible band.

In this album it mentions the passion of Tom Petty as you can see above in the photo of part of the album sleeve. I get it. “Passion” is the best word I could use to name my podcast 50 some episodes ago… “My Passionate Musical Journey.” I have always been passionate about anything I cared about. I asked my friend and stellar singer-songwriter Will Kimbrough to write a podcast introduction song for me about a year ago. He did and by October 2020 he had the lyrics and the basis of a song which he emailed to me. I asked for some music that had a feel of some of my favorite bands “Little Feat” and “The Allman Brothers Band” with some slide guitar and vocals. I knew he was going to add some things like percussion to it and send it to me. Then to my surprise in November 2020 he recorded the song with “The Red Dirt Boys” who travel around the world to back Emmy Lou Harris. The song is on the new Red Dirt Boys album that is about to release almost a year later. The vinyl is coming in December 2021 and yes we will be talking about it here. I love this song. It’s my new podcast theme song “I’ve Got a Passion For It.” How damn cool is that? This song rocks! Check out the lyrics and that band! I’ll add it in to the companion podcast. So let’s salute the gold vinyl of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers this week. I have a real passion for this music as it just totally rocks. It always will. Tune in and listen!
Until next time I’ll see you, down the road.