Little Feat at the Warren Haynes Christmas Jam (http://www.xmasjam.com) on December 18, 2004. I just got in from a road trip to Asheville. What a show, hours and hours….a sold-out crowd, general admission seating…the line to get in was wrapped around the Asheville Civic Center. Feat was on tonight. I have seen them so many times I have lost count including a show a month ago..this was a smoking performance…maybe it was the fact that Warren Haynes introduced them as one of his favorite bands when he was growing up in Asheville. They blew the crowd away with a continuous jam of many of the staple Feat tunes. (L to R) Fred, Shawn working the crowd, Billy, Charlie Musselwhite, Paul, Ritchie on drums, and Kenny on bass. Missing is Ivan Neville on keyboards who played several numbers with Feat and others