http://www.warrenhaynes.net The master of ceremonies for the xmas jam for over two decades. He can play some of the best covers of anyone I have ever seen and I have seen more players than you can imagine. I could tell stories of his shows for many days. One of my favorite memories was the first time I took my daughter to see the Allman Brothers Band. We were ten feet from the stage. She was wearing my “1973” shirt that said “Eat a Peach” on the front with the classic illustration of the truck. It was a medium size and slightly large for her. I bought it in New Orleans in 1974 at the Superdome while watching a 12 hour concert that featured all southern rock bands. It was awesome, every moment of it. Anyway Al and I left “early” about 12:30 PM as Warren played the opening riff to “Midnight Rider” My daughter was worn out and had been with me for two sets. It was cool being with her and sharing my love of southern rock and blues. She saw something that many of that generation never will….Back to Warren. This is not a favorite photo of mine but I need one I shot and this was what I had. I think my photo mood was not on that night. I was more into the music in the moment. It was a great night made possible because of Warren. So here is a photo I am not so proud of but I will get the one for you soon.